Специфичните цели на сдружението са да предостави място за събирания на българската общност и възможност за празнуване на български традиции, предаване на ценности, знания и признателност към родното наследство на следващото поколение. Организация, която да предлага обучение на деца и възрастни да говорят, четат и пишат на български език, както и запознаване с българската история, география, култура и фолклор. Ние вярваме, че културата и традициите имат силата да обединяват хората и да обогатяват живота им.
We are a non-profit organization promoting Bulgarian culture to build on our vast heritage and to help our kids to speak our mother tongue. We work hard to be a resource for our community of Bulgarians living here in Myrtle Beach, SC. We are aiming to become the first Bulgarian Language School in SC.
The specific goals of the Bulgarian Cultural and Language Center Patilansko Tzarstvo are to provide a place for gatherings of the Bulgarian community and an opportunity to celebrate Bulgarian traditions, pass on values, knowledge and gratitude to the native heritage onto the next generation. An organization that offers training for children and adults to speak, read and write in Bulgarian, as well as acquaintance with Bulgarian history, geography, culture and folklore. We believe that culture and traditions have the power to unite people and enrich their lives.
Our mission is to preserve Bulgarian language, culture and traditions.
Have ideas about how we could do that better? Join us! We are always looking for volunteers to help us make our vision a reality.
We'll help you find a way to volunteer in a way that best suits you.